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Homeopathy First Aid Notes for Home Usage

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Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective manner of treating a variety of minor illnesses in children and adults. The advantage of homeopathic remedies is that it generally has no unpleasant and long-term side effects unless the remedy is taken too long or if it is taken when it is not needed. Homeopathy is generally not used prophylactically, however, there have been occasions when it was used as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of malaria, cholera, bubonic plague, chicken pox, diphtheria, German Measles, measles and mumps.

Homeopathic remedies are easy to take, and children usually have no problem with them as they taste like sugar. They generally have no side effects. It is not how much of the remedy that is taken that is the issue; it is how often it is taken. Patients are cautioned against taking a remedy over an extended period of time since taking a remedy too often may aggravate the condition it was originally intended to cure.

The general rule is: stop taking the remedy if you are feeling better, do not finish the whole bottle!

Strong coffee is usually an antidote to remedies.

A dose is usually two or three pills, tipped into the lid of the bottle or vial and then placed under the tongue. The pills should be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth and never handled or touched directly. Remedies should be stored in a cool, dry place away from light, electrical equipment and strong odors.

Remedies should be taken twenty minutes before or after a meal, and then the patient should refrain from eating or drinking anything (except water) for twenty minutes afterwards. Do not brush your teeth immediately after taking a remedy, and avoid using substances such as camphor, menthol, peppermint, Tea Tree oil, antiseptics, antibiotics and caffeinated beverages, including sodas.

The nature of the illness will dictate the frequency of repetition. In a serious case, such as a high fever in a child, a low potency (6 X) of Belladonna may be given every half an hour for a few doses, and as the severity of the illness subsides, so do the doses. Cease medication if no improvement has occurred after two or three doses, and select another that suits the symptoms more closely. This booklet aims to teach you a bit about remedy selection.


The following remedies are ones that are generally indispensable if you are going to be using homeopathy at home. This is not a comprehensive list: it is merely to start you off with the basics. Some homeopathic pharmacies sell household kits, and if you can afford one, do go ahead and buy one. I have had mine for at least twenty years. The remedies do not “expire” provided they are kept in a suitable place and not exposed to sunlight, heat and electronic equipment.











Carbo Vegetablis




Hepar Sulf



Natrum Muriaticum





Rhus Toxicodendron

Ruta Graveolens


Urtica Urens

Nux Vomica

Veratrum Album




Related image



Aconite: a remedy for acute situations that appear suddenly, usually after exposure to a cold wind. Sore throat, fever, croup. Also for fear, and anxiety. It is taken before Belladonna in the case of fever. It  antidotes Belladonna.

Apis: Swelling after insect bites and stings. Headaches, sties.

Arnica: an absolute “must have” remedy!! It is invaluable for accidents around the house, bumps and bruises, after falling. Reduces shock, pain and bruising. Used after tooth extractions, give a dose before and one after the visit to the dentist. Violent, spasmodic cough.

Arsenicum Alb: wonderful remedy for diarrhea, especially after eating fruit. Burning, red eyes. Sneezing with  thin, watery discharge. Complaints that come on at the seaside.

Belladonna: Great children’s remedy. Fever with redness, throbbing and burning sensations. Eyes glazed and red. Can be used alternately with Gelsemium, in headaches. The skin feels dry and hot, swollen and sensitive. Headache, earache and sore throat.

Bryonia: Constipation with stool that is too dry and large. Bursting, splitting frontal headache, usually involves frontal sinuses. Bleeding nose when menses should appear. Menstrual irregularities with gastric symptoms. Hoarseness, with dry cough at night. Cough is worse going into a warm room. Croup-like cough. These types often have very greasy hair.Rheumatism in the knees.

Cantharis: Bladder irritations, with a constant urging to urinate. Violent, cutting pains in the renal area, before, during and after urinating.

Chamomilla: Teething infants who are impatient and irritable. Earache, ears feel stopped up, flatulent colic, distended abdomen, rattling mucus in child’s chest.

Carbo Veg: For sluggish people who don’t want to move much. Pimples on forehead and face. Daily nosebleeds with a pale face. Flatulent colic. Beginning of whooping cough, with hoarseness worse in the evenings. They feel cold from the knees down. Wheezing and rattling in the chest. The stomach feels heavy, full, with nausea in the morning.

Crotalus:  Low septic states, more right sided than left. Pustular eruptions, insect stings, septicemia, boils and carbuncles, eruptions surrounded by mottled, purple skin.

 Echinacea: Septic conditions generally. Blood poisoning. Piles. Snake bites. Ulcerated sore throat. (Take 6 X potency) Irritation from insect bites.

Gelsemium: influenza (can be used alternately with Belladonna). Dizziness, drowsiness, depression from too much sun and heat. Headache that is dull and heavy. Sneezing, with a sensation of fullness at the root of the nose. Acute coryza. (Runny nose) The face is hot, heavy and flushed and the pain extends from the throat to the ear. Acute bronchitis. Chilled fever up and down the back.

Hepar Sulph: Infected sinuses, neuralgia on the right side of the face; acute infection of the throat and tonsils; infected sores, abscesses and bloody ulcers. These symptoms usually appear after violent anger. The person who needs this remedy is often very hasty when eating and speaking

Hypericum: This is a wonderful remedy for injury to the nerves, especially the fingertips, toes and nails, for crushed fingers, especially the tips. Relieves pain after operations; puncture wounds; injured nerves from bites of animals; pain in the tailbone, from and injury where the pain is radiating up and down the spine. You may know this remedy as “St. John’s’ Wort”. In its homeopathic form it has many uses!

Ledum: Scorpion bites, bee stings, puncture wounds produced by sharp instruments.

Kali Bichromicum: stringy, sticky discharges; croupy cough with stringy mucus. Nasal catarrh, pains in the sinuses and dry throat. Pain in the chest, which feels sore and bruises, hoarse voice.

Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur): For people who catch cold easily and have discharges like egg white. Backache with sore bruised feeling in the lower back; cold sores on the lips and around the mouth; dry hacking, irritating cough; sore throat with sensation of lump in the throat

Nux Vomica: common cold with watery eyes, burning nasal catarrh. Nose runs during the day and is blocked at night; constipation that alternates with diarrhea; cough which is dry, distressing, hacking, suffocative, tickling; in violent fits. Nux types like spicy food and they have hot tempers!

Oscillococcinum: Excellent remedies for flu…take it at the onset of the flu when the very first symptoms appear.

Petroleum: Used for motion sickness; antidotes the ill effects of inhaling gas (petroleum) fumes.

Podophyllum: An excellent remedy for infant diarrhea caused by teething. Smelly stools, distended stomach and colic.

Phytolacca: Excellent glandular remedy. Used for mumps. Sore throat with pains, which shoot into the ear.

Pulsatilla: Suitable for gentle, timid people. Girls who have difficulty with their first period. Fever, chilliness but burning heat at night. Digestive upsets from too much rich food. Profuse discharges from the eyes; styes. Absence of thirst with most complaints.

Rhus Tox:  Complaints from getting wet; change of weather to cold or damp Worse on beginning to move; swimming in cold water. Sore throat on the left side. Hot, painful swelling of joints; rheumatic pains; sciatica; pain tearing down the thighs. Remedy for intense itching; hives.

Ruta: Complaints from straining tendons, over-strain of muscles; limbs feel bruised and painful; sprains after Arnica; eyes red, hot, painful; constant urging to urinate. Backache, which feels better with pressure and for lying on the back. Thinking produces headaches and sleepiness. Joint pain with lameness. Tennis elbow

Silica: They are extremely chilly people and always feel better for wrapping up warmly; they develop complaints from getting their feet wet.  They are shy and may lack self-confidence. Abscesses; athlete’s foot with cracks between the toes; with profuse, smelly sweat on the feet; when a cold settles in the throat; Parotid and neck glands swollen; diarrhea in teething children. Earache where the ear feels itchy inside. Broken bones that are slow to heal.

Urtica: Violent itching; burning and stinging; bits and stings; breastfeeding problems, this remedy helps the new mother to establish a good supply of milk in the early days of feeding. Minor burns where the pains are burning and stinging; food poisoning from rotten shellfish; hives that are accompanied by joint pain and feel better for rubbing (caused by stinging nettles or insects)

Veratrum: Collapse after diarrhea; the facial expression is anxious; they like cold drinks and sour foods; diarrhea caused by eating fruit; profuse cold, clammy sweat; deep, hollow cough; vomiting with diarrhea, with dizziness. Good remedy for food poisoning.


Please always consult your medical professional or homeopath before taking any remedy. This guide is for acute situations only.


Research is being done on a continual basis, see


Sex and Shame: Lilium Tigrinum

I do believe Lil-t to be a very effective remedy for women who suffer from the polarities of being very sexual, yet feeling intense shame about it. It may be argued that modern life has removed many of the restrictions women faced about their sexuality and the notion that they ought to feel shameful, but there are still many who are uncomfortable with being who and what they are, and feel they ought to be more pure, especially when religious beliefs play a prominent role in their lives.

The image of the tiger lily, so beautiful, exotic and so open to being fertilized by any passing bee, butterfly or bug, is a doctrine of signatures that is ascribed to this beautiful flower by many homeopaths who have written extensively about the bloom.


The following is a summary of the Lil-t type:

  • Bad temper, uses foul language
  • Disposed to curse and strike
  • Fears that she may have an incurable disease
  • Hunts for something to grieve about; self-torture
  • Bearing down sensation as if uterus would fall out
  • Must support vulva with hand or cross legs
  • Aversion to sympathy
  • Craves meat
  • Thirst may be excessive, desires frequent drinks of large quantities
  • Hurried, must be active constantly
  • Despair of religious salvation
  • Intense sexual desire, suppressed by activity
  • Disposition to weep
  • Pressure in rectum with constant desire to stool
  • Constant desire to urinate with constant pressure
  • If desire is not attended to, constriction in chest
  • Sensation as if heart were being squeezed in a vice, feels she must bend double
  • Sharp pains in ovarian region extending down to he thighs
  • Brownish, acrid leucorrhoea

Tiger Lilly

Lil-t belongs to the Plant kingdom, and is a Sycotic miasm.


This beautiful plant originated in the wild, hilly countrysides of China and Japan. Its deep orange petals are spotted with black. The petals curl up when the blooms open, revealing the stamens and pistil of the flower. This reminds me of one of the key symptoms of Lil-t; namely the feeling that the uterus is falling out, and the bearing down pain in the pelvis. The flowers hang down (see illustration) with the “sexual organs” hanging out. Another thing to mention here is that Lil-t is known for its intense sexual urges and on the opposite pole, its sense of religious despair and need for salvation. If you look at the plant you notice its prominent sexual parts, and the fact that the flower head is hanging down, as if in shame.

The name too, Lilium Tigrinum, suggests both animal and plant qualities inherent within the remedy. Sankaran (Soul of Remedies, p.115) writes:

‘While the plant part of the remedy has to do with chastity, purity and religiousness, the animal part has to do with sexuality, with passion”. This creates a strongly polarized tension of opposites, which the Lil-t type tries to sublimate and control through being extremely busy and active.


Characteristic modalities:

  • Worse: warmth of room; motion; miscarriages; walking; standing; consolation; evening; night; after menses; lying on the right side; crowded places; inaction
  • Better for: cool, fresh air; being busy; lying on the left side; sunset; pressing hand to affected part; crossing the legs; sitting down


  • Diarrhea;
  •  Leucorrhoea, which is brown, thin and acrid
  •  Menses cease when lying down;
  • Cold sweats with severe symptoms;
  • Marked lachrymation;
  • Menses dark, clotted and offensive
  • Urine is milky, scanty, hot

The venous circulation; the heart and the female organs, the ovaries and the uterus are most affected. Also the bladder and rectum on the right side. Phatak writes that it is often indicated in unmarried women. (p.357) 


  • Full, heavy forced out feeling in uterus and ovaries
  • As if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice
  • Pains are reversed, e.g. from breast to the scapula
  • Wild feeling in the head as if she is crazy
  • Eyes feel sprained
  • Constant desire to urinate, with sensation of ball in rectum
  • Feeling of oppressive load on the chest
  • As if there is a lump in the center of the chest moving up and down on empty swallowing.
  • As if there is a cool wind blowing on the legs
  • Joints feel dry
  • Skin of the abdomen feel stiff and stretched
  • Feeling of congestion in the chest is desire is no attended to.


Sankaran writes that they are unable to integrate the two opposing sides of their natures, and their intense sexual desire is repressed by activity. There is a great fear about their salvation, and they believe that it is wrong to feel sensual or sexual, and they begin to fear that they may become afflicted with some or other dreadful disease or disaster. (p.115)


The patient may appear listless and inert, yet they may be unable to sit still. They may have a wild look in the eyes. In his experience the patients have often been “portly and plethoric” (Gibson, p.311)

Kent writes that they are extremely nervous, hysterical and over-sensitive (p.701)

Physical Symptoms

  • General: All symptoms are acute, intense and pains are described as wandering, flying, shooting or alternately constricting or relaxing, or opening or shutting. (Very active just like the patient!) Symptoms tend to be left-sided
  • Head: Headache with fullness and outward pressure, likely to develop in a hot or crowded room; heat rising up from the chest; blinding pain in the forehead above the eyes; pain in the occiput which extends to the neck, feels like a cap pressing on the head
  • Eyes: feeling of heat in eyes; photophobia and lachrymation; vision is dim; twitching in eyelids
  • Respiratory system: throat feels sore and dry; tendency to sigh frequently; sense of constriction in the chest; sharp pain may penetrate right lung; pains in or below the left breast extending laterally and to the scapula, these are worse when lying down and by lying on the left side.
  • Ears: rushing sounds in ears after going to bed
  • Throat: hawking of mucus, accompanied by constant nausea
  • Stomach: they crave meat, sour and sweet things, aversion to coffee and bread; thirsty before severe symptoms; as if a hard body were rolling around in the stomach during the day.
  • Abdomen: sore and distended, cannot bear the weight of covers after menses; weak, tremulous feeling which extends to the anus; heavy, dragging down sensation of abdominal contents extending even to the organs of the chest, feel she must support her abdomen; pressure on rectum with a constant desire to stool; early morning diarrhea after rising, so urgent she cannot wait
  • Urinary: constant desire to urinate, with constant pressure on the bladder. Urine is milky, scanty and hot
  • Female organs: violent desire, with involuntary orgasms; enlarged ovaries on the left; brown leucorrhoea; copious menses, aggravated by walking; pain in the ovaries extend down the legs into the thighs. Menses too early; flow occurs only in daytime, dark clots and offensive odor. Uterine displacement and prolapse, accompanied by great downward and outward pressure or bearing down sensation in pelvic area, involves rectum and bladder as well, not relived by lying down; vaginismus; pruritis; on the left side the pain may be associated with pain in the left breast
  • Male genitalia: complaints from suppression of desire (Vermeulen, p.234)
  • Chest: sensation as if heart has ceased; congestion with desire to urinate; constricted feeling in the heart, has a grasping sensation; pain in the heart agg by bending forward; pain extending to the scapula; palpitations amel. while lying in her back and worse lying on her right side; palpitations during pregnancy.
  • Extremities: tearing pains or cramps in the limbs; burning sensation in palms and soles; legs ache, has to keep moving them for relief.

Related remedies:

 Lachesis: worse for rest and inaction, sleep and warmth; symptoms left-sided, may spread to the right; intense photophobia

Lycopodium: biting sarcasm and unkind speech, can be “pigheaded” (Gibson, p.315), over conscientious about their tasks or work; cannot bear to be corrected or opposed; worse for crowds; temper with sudden explosions of anger; hurried but the focus of the remedy is on the alimentary system rather than the reproductive one.

Sepia: bearing down sensation; must cross legs to prevent protrusion of parts; intolerant of sympathy BUT sepia feels the cold more (Lil-t is affected by the heat); Sepia is indifferent whereas Lil-t is hurried and worried about performing her tasks; biggest difference is that Sepia has an aversion to meat whereas Lil-t craves it. The Sepia condition is more chronic, and her bearing down sensation is more passive. (Tyler, p.510)

(Images courtesy of  http://all-free-download.com/free-photos/tiger-lily-images.html)


Clarke, J.H. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Vol II. Jain, New Delhi. 1999.

Gibson. D. Studies of Homeopathic Remedies. Beaconsfield Publishers, England. 1987

Kent. J. Lectures on Materia Medica. Jain. New Delhi. 1997

Phatak: Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies. Narayana Publishers. India. 1999.

Sankaran, Rajan. The Soul of Remedies. 1997. Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Bombay.

Tyler. M.L. Homeopathic Drug Pictures.Jain. New Delhi. 1997

Vithoulkas, George. The Science of Homeopathy. 1999. Grove Press, New York.